Now that VGA has finally come and gone it's time we all take a critical l@@k at some of the most hyped games of the year that were featured on the show. For me it is going to be God of War 3.
Looking back down the road--E3 2008, a very salivating CGI trailer was showed which showed Kratos on one of the roof tops on mount Olympus holding a blazing sword and promising nothing but chaos.
That video did wonders for me, it raised my expectations so high I couldn't think of anything else that will deliver as much as God of War 3. But after watching the game play video that was showed on VGA on Youtube yesterday it became obvious to me that God of War 3 was not going to be my god of all games in this time frame of console gaming, Killzone 2 will do just fine for me.
For one I didn't like the way Kratos looked in this latest trailer; he looked too skinny and too pale for my liking. I mean with all the hype about the game looking like "a painting come to life" and all those talk about it looking like nothing we have ever seen before I was expecting to see something more but it didn't happen for me. Sony, take my advice: lower the console price now! And do some serious advertising before the launch of Killzone 2. That's the only way we can get close to winning this 'war'.
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